Solidarity Hour... The One with Jon Kauffman

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Jon Kauffman, writer, film director, storyteller, and fairly recent tech consultant (his words), joined us for our last Solidarity Hour. 

We heard about his journey of deciding to not becoming a doctor in college (despite coming from a family of doctors) to then quickly driving cross country to LA to make a short film with a friend. Fast forward to hearing about Jon's big achievement in making his first feature, Heartlock, we also hear the advice he would give to his younger self.

Jon shed light on some of his favorite shows, characters, and what it was like working alongside director Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan. Jon also shared a little about what he's working on right now to debut soon... and we can't wait! 

Listen to the full recording to hear more of Jon's story, why storytelling excites him, and his perspectives on love vs. commitment, and choosing a good life vs. an interesting life.