Special: Black, Brown & White - Brown


Continuing our special 4 part series on race, we continue the exploration and exposing of our vulnerabilities by sharing our stories of growing up, black, brown and white, exposing how that has shaped our identity and normative beliefs on race. Over the series we also describe what we can all do, as individuals, companies and at a societal level to move the needle. This episode moves to “Brown” - through the lens of Vips, an Indian Brit, growing up in London.

In This Episode

In this episode, Vicki and Francesca chat with Vips as they explore what it was like growing up as a brown kid in London. Vips shares openly and vulnerably:

1. The benefits and challenges of having a mixed race set of close friends growing up.

2. Racism experienced growing up towards him personally and his mother.

3. What’s it’s like to live in a mixed-family, and have a son that looks white!

See you next week and in the meantime, Be Fabulous!