Solidarity Hour... The One with Tina Reimer


The secret to leading in challenging situations that most leaders are afraid to talk about

  • Who would love more ease and flow in your daily life? In your business?

  • Who would love more inner trust and confidence in what you are doing and how you are doing it?

  • Who wants to find it easier to make decisions?

Tina felt the same way and she tells us how she escaped from a downward spiral and why intuition is your biggest secret weapon to get you on the road to success.
"I told you before. With kind regards, your intuition." Intuition: The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning

What does it mean to lead from intuition? Who has ideas, feelings, desires that you haven't acted upon? Those that repeat daily, monthly, yearly and when we don't act on it, it gets louder. Most of the time, when it repeats, its gets less pleasant as it tries to nudge us to the life we should be living. Intuition wants to help us see where we want to go. Logic and living from our head keeps us away from our inner wisdom. If its boring and hard, then it's not the right way. We're not here to suffer. However, most of us have not been trained to live from our intuition. 

In this Solidarity Hour, Tina takes us on her journey from a more traditional path into living her world from intuition and how this has led to a life of effortless flow with more success, fulfillment and happiness than she has ever experienced.

Learn more about Tina here: